As summer is coming to an end it's time to savor those final few warm weekends and enjoy BBQ's with friends and family. It’s also the time of year when you can enjoy some to the best produce your local farmer's market has to offer. Harvest time is in full swing.
Our good friends at Pulchella Winery know all about that. Right now they are up in Paso Robles harvesting grapes for their next delicious batch of wine. Before they started all the hard work they had a great party, to celebrate their cult members and the end of the summer. I was lucky enough to help stage and do flowers for.
It was a fun rustic backyard event - wine and a pizza oven, what more could you want? Oh yes, good company, and that was abounding.
Pulchella Grapes
Grilled artichokes grilled figs and lemons and of course a glass of Pulchella wine.
Cheers to a Fall Harvest!